20 August 2015


what’s gulp-fecmd

gulp-fecmd is a tool that will help FE coding js with CMD(Common Module Definition) free without quote any third-party library in your program;


npm install gulp-fecmd

version 1.0.6

add support bower module, and more please look down “gulpfile.js” and “a.js”

version 1.0.7

support .json

version 1.0.8

support .es6 more infomation https://babeljs.io/docs/learn-es2015/



var fecmd = require('gulp-fecmd');

gulp.task('scripts', function() {
    var data =  gulp.src('js/a.js')

    // you should use it before minify or uglify and ...
    // support bower module like 
    // fecmd({
    //      modulePath: "bower directory"
    // })
    // if you don't give modulePath, default is the directory in ".bowerrc" file 
    // or the folder bower_components in you build path but all the first is you 
    // scripts folder then bower module
    data = data.pipe(fecmd()); 

    config.minify && (data = data.pipe(uglify()).pipe(sourcemaps.write()));
    config.livereload && data.pipe(livereload());
    config.version ?
            .pipe(gulp.dest(config.tmp)) : 

program file

<!-- file index.html -->
<script src="js/a.js"></script>

// file a.js

var b = require('lib/b.js'); // '[./]lib/b[.js]'
var tpl = require('tpl/xx.tpl'); //return a string
var json = require('data/data.json'); //return the Object
var es6 = require('lib/file.es6'); // return es5 code
// or
// require('c.js');
// require('d');
// if your version is 1.0.6 or newer you can quote module 
// from bower module lick this require('jquery'), without 
// extname and without a filename jquery or jquery.js file
// in the same dir with a.js

/* do something */
var console.log(b.c);

// file lib/b.js

// other code do something
// such
// require()...
// var a,b,c...
// function(){} ...

//export your module
module.exports = {
    c: 2,
    cc: 23
exports.c = 2;
exports.cc = 23;


// file.es6

class Calc {
    constructor() {
        console.log('Calc constructor');
    add(a, b) {
        return a + b;

module.exports = Calc;

// usage
// var c = new Calc();
// console.log(c.add(1, 2));


require support template (*.tpl) like this file “xx.tpl” and export a string



"<div>\n    \n    <span></span>\n    \n</div>"


其实很简单, 我们来看一下导出文件的代码

    if (!___CONTEXT___.___MODULES___) {
        ___CONTEXT___.___MODULES___ = {};
    function convertToID(path){
        return path.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, "");
    function require(path){
        var module = ___CONTEXT___.___MODULES___[convertToID(path)];
        if(!module){ console.log("导出文件有问题"); return;}
        if(module.fn && !module.exports){
            module.exports = {};
            module.fn(require, module.exports, module, window);
            delete module.fn;
        return module.exports;

    // file "/src/scripts/lib/cookieStorage.js" to module[srcscriptslibcookieStoragejs]
    ___CONTEXT___.___MODULES___["srcscriptslibcookieStoragejs"] = {
        path: "/src/scripts/lib/cookieStorage.js",
        fn: function(require, exports, module, window, undefined) {
            // 对应path的文件实际内容
            // ...
            module.exports = cookieStorage;

    // ... 其他模块
    // file "/src/scripts/lib/localStorage.js" to module[srcscriptsliblocalStoragejs]
    ___CONTEXT___.___MODULES___["srcscriptsliblocalStoragejs"] = {
        path: "/src/scripts/lib/localStorage.js",
        fn: function(require, exports, module, window, undefined) {
            // 对应path的文件实际内容
            var cookieStorage = require("/src/scripts/lib/cookieStorage.js");
            // ...
            // ...
            module.exports = LocalStore;
    // 对于模板 导出如下
    // file "/src/scripts/template/code.tpl" to module[srcscriptstemplatecodetpl]
    ___CONTEXT___.___MODULES___["srcscriptstemplatecodetpl"] = {
        path: "/src/scripts/template/code.tpl",
        fn: function(require, exports, module, window, undefined) {
            module.exports="\n    // file \"\" to module[]\n    ___CONTEXT___.___MODULES___[\"\"] = {\n        path: \"\",\n        fn: function(require, exports, module, window, undefined) {\n            \n            \n            \n        }\n    };\n\n"

    // file "/src/scripts/app-bmap.js" to module[srcscriptsappbmapjs]
    ___CONTEXT___.___MODULES___["srcscriptsappbmapjs"] = {
        path: "/src/scripts/app-bmap.js",
        fn: function(require, exports, module, window, undefined) {
            var LocalStorage = require("/src/scripts/lib/localStorage.js");
            // ... 
    // 主文件执行
